Hello, everyone.

The last year has been very busy and difficult, sucking the energy and enthusiasm out of me. It started with the death of my mother in late November of 2021. My mother was a tremendous blessing and inspiration to me; she is one of my heroes. I’m glad that she’s no longer ill, but I miss her terribly. At the beginning of this year, my dear brother Mark died suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 45. My father found him lying motionless on the floor of his room. My heart broke again when I heard the news.

His sudden loss and the grief that followed has impacted me deeply. I decided to leave my job at a government institution and to dedicate the rest of my life to helping more people in need. None of us knows how much time we have on earth to make a difference in the lives of others. I’m excited for what’s in store this year and onward!

I have joined TIMCA Global fulltime, the non-profit organization that I co-founded in Africa, to help children living in low income and marginalized communities. My first full time project with them is to help visually impaired children in South Africa with education, specifically numeracy. I am also doing more work with the Wheat Mission in helping them to raise funds for the wonderful work that they do with children with disabilities. I’m excited that I’ll be singing at New York Wheat Mission’s 30th anniversary gala at the end of April!

I recently completed voice-over training and will be using my talent for music and as a voice over artist to help sustain me in my work.

I love you, mom and Mark. Until we meet again.


Elizabeth Elle

This is being translated by Google Translate. 여러분, 안녕하세요. 지난 1 년은 매우 바쁘고 힘들었으며 에너지와 열정을 빼앗아 갔습니다. 그것은 2021 년 11 월 말 어머니의 죽음으로 시작되었습니다. 어머니는 저에게 엄청난 축복이자 영감이었습니다. 그녀는 저의 영웅 중 하나입니다. 그녀가 더 이상 아프지 않아서 다행이지만 몹시 그리워요. 올해 초, 저의 친애하는 작은 오빠 마크가 45 세의 나이로 갑작스럽고 예기치 않게 사망했습니다. 아버지는 그가 방 바닥에 미동도 없이 누워 있는 것을 발견했습니다. 그 소식을 듣고 또 마음이 아팠습니다. 그의 갑작스러운 상실과 그에 따른 슬픔은 저에게 깊은 영향을 미쳤습니다. 저는 정부 기관에서 일을 그만두고 도움이 필요한 더 많은 사람들을 돕는 일에 여생을 바치기로 결정했습니다. 다른 사람의 삶에 변화를 줄 수 있는 시간이 얼마나 많은지 아무도 모릅니다. 올해부터 앞으로 어떤 일이 벌어질지 기대됩니다. 저소득층과 소외된 지역 사회에 사는 아이들을 돕기 위해 아프리카에서 공동 설립한 비영리 단체인 TIMCA Global 정규직에 합류했습니다. 그들과 함께하는 저의 첫 풀타임 프로젝트는 교육, 특히 수리력을 통해 남아프리카의 시각 장애 아동을 돕는 것입니다. 또한 밀알이 장애 아동과 함께 하는 멋진 일을 위한 기금을 모으는 데 도움을 주기 위해 밀알과 더 많은 일을 하고 있습니다. 4 월 말 뉴욕 밀알 30 주년 갈라에서 노래하게 되어 설렌다! 저는 최근에 보이스오버 교육을 마쳤으며 음악과 보이스오버 아티스트로서 제 작업에서 저를 지탱할 수 있도록 제 재능을 사용할 것입니다. 사랑해요, 엄마와 마크 오빠. 우리는 다시 만날 때까지. 사랑 엘리자베스 엘 Google 번역으로 번역 중입니다.


On the 16th April 2022, I was honored to participate in the Blind With You concert to raise funds for blind Ukrainian refugees. 

The event was organized by the National Federation of the Blind (USA) and Mushroom FM (New Zealand) in conjunction with the World Blind Union. 

Over one hundred artists participated from all over the world, including the USA, UK, Canada, France, Spain, Romania, Ireland, India, Singapore, Germany, South Africa, New Zealand, the Caribbean and many more!

To date, over one hundred thousand dollars has been raised for the World Blind Union Ukrainian Unity Fund.

Blind With You Benefit Concert – Soar by Elizabeth Elle

우크라이나의 맹인 돕기

2022년 4월 16일 시각장애인 우크라이나 난민을 위한 기금 마련을 위한 블라인드 위드 유 콘서트에 참가하게 되어 영광으로 생각합니다. 

이번 행사는 전미맹인연합(미국)과 머쉬룸FM(뉴질랜드)이 세계맹인연합과 함께 기획했다. 

미국, 영국, 캐나다, 프랑스, 스페인, 루마니아, 아일랜드, 인도, 싱가포르, 독일, 남아프리카, 뉴질랜드, 카리브해 등 전 세계에서 100명이 넘는 예술가들이 참가했습니다!

세계 맹인 연합 우크라이나 통일 기금을 위해 10만 달러 이상이 모금되었다.


 It is with great sadness that I need to inform you that my mom passed away.  She struggled throughout her life with cancer.  Cancer is how she lost her eye sight at the tender age of 2 years old. 

Mom was a brave and very generous woman who once told me that she wished that she had the means to adopt more children.  She was well loved and left a positive mark on everyone she met.  Pastor Walter summarized it well, when he said at her funeral that she always left one feeling better about oneself. 

She was, and will always remain, a remarkable person and an inspiration to me. 

I love you mom.  May you rest in peace.

어머니가 돌아가셨다는 소식을 전하게 되어 매우 슬픕니다. 그녀는 평생 암에 걸렸다. 그녀의 암은 그녀가 두 살의 어린 나이에 시력을 잃은 방법입니다.

어머니는 용감하고 관대했습니다. 그녀는 한 번 더 많은 아이들을 입양하고 싶다고 말했습니다. 그녀는 많은 사랑을 받았습니다. 그녀는 사람들을 특별하게 느끼게 했습니다.

그녀는 항상 내 기억 속에 남을 것입니다.

사랑해요, 엄마.

잘 쉬다




The work which we began in South Africa last month is starting to come through now with the release of one of the cover songs and the launch of a math program at Hope House.  We have also refreshed the website with a new image taken while on my trip.

Please be careful and stay safe.

Much love



I have added the first of the cover songs I recorded with John in South Africa onto the website and YouTube.  I sing vocals with John on guitar.  You can watch it here Have You Ever Seen The Rain by Creedence Clearwater Revival  (on YouTube) or listen to it on the website.  A big thank you to the TIMCA Team for hosting me and creating the video.  

Please let me know what you think of it in the comments section.


While in South Africa I visited Hope House, which is home to abused and abandoned children. I’m pleased to let you know that the TIMCA TEAM have started a math education program with the children.  Eighteen children are participating in a program designed for children from Grade 3 to 7.  It will cost $30 per child, per year to run this program.  Please consider making a donation. 

I look forward to updating you on their progress in future newsletters.   


Last week I added a new song to the karaoke list – “Creedence Clearwater Revival – Have You Ever Seen The Rain”

I hope that you enjoy it.


This month I’m excited to tell you about my visit to South Africa. My trip included meeting with the children and facilitators at our TIMCA project in Harrismith, meetings with Thiboloha School for the deaf, blind and additional special needs, Hope House for abused and abandoned Children, The SA Library for the Blind, the Numeracy Chair Project at Rhodes University, recording songs in studio with my friend John Malan, organizing a list of cover songs with a pianist, video and photo shoots and sharing my testimony and singing on Easter Sunday. I also met and strategized with the TIMCA Team in Johannesburg.

It was an extremely busy and fulfilling time. I enjoyed my trip tremendously.

I look forward to sharing more about my visit over the coming weeks and months.

Much love


I had a lovely time sharing my story and singing at the Horizon Methodist Church in Johannesburg. They invited me to their Easter Sunday service. Pastor Kim and the congregation gave me a warm welcome. It was a very special time of celebration. I look forward to visiting them again in the future.


It was wonderful to record with my friend John Malan in his studio in South Africa. I recorded vocals for Soar and seven cover songs with John on guitar.  John is doing all the music and the production of the songs. Each song will be released as soon as John has finished producing them.

Keep an eye on this website and my YouTube channel in the coming months.


This week I have added a new song to the karaoke list – “Great Is The Lord And Most Worthy of Praise.”

I hope that you enjoy it.


This month, I was invited to participate in a workshop organized by the “Arts Professional Learning Institute” and “Young Audiences Arts for Learning NJ & Eastern PA,” entitled “Arts Equity for Disabled Students.”  

I ran a learning lab and sang.   I also shared my experiences of attending various mainstream schools. The participants were educators interested in developing their skills in inclusive education. I enjoyed the workshop and am very grateful to my supporters who make it possible for me to do this kind of work.

Please stay safe, wear a mask and don’t forget to social distance!

Much love



I have been invited to visit South Africa to tell my story and to sing. There are risks to traveling during the pandemic and I thought long and hard about accepting the invitation. 
The needs of vulnerable children throughout the world remain an issue close to my heart and I want to give them my support.  The pandemic has heightened their feelings of isolation and depression.  Fortunately, I am young and healthy, I have been vaccinated and infection rates are currently low in both New York and South Africa.  I will of course be wearing a mask and social distancing.  All of these factors played a role in my final decision.  
This will be my first visit to Africa. My trip includes meeting with the children and facilitators at our TIMCA project in Harrismith, meeting with organizations that assist abandoned children and visiting a number of churches to share my story and sing. It also provides me with the opportunity to meet and strategize with the TIMCA Team in Johannesburg.
I look forward to sharing all about my visit in my next Newsletter.


The good news is that my song, “Soar” is finally in production.  While in South Africa I will have the opportunity to record with my friend, John Malan.  Soar is about overcoming obstacles and making the most of your life.  

John collaborated with me on “Victorious” and recorded all of the instruments on “Remember Me.”  The visit gives me a chance to work with John on this project, as well as record additional vocal tracks of cover songs.

Keep an eye on my website and youtube channel for updates :).


A very happy new year to you and your family. 

I was invited to speak and sing at the Bethany United Methodist Church in New Jersey.  They are a lovely, warm congregation and it was a wonderful experience.  A special thanks to Pastor Lee and his lovely wife for coming to fetch me and for their gracious hospitality. 

Please stay safe, wear a mask and don’t forget to social distance!

Much love



A few of my supporters have asked me to come and tour in South Korea.  I would love to do that as soon as this pandemic is under control.  Please let me know if you would like to be part of a planning team to make that happen, hopefully in 2022 or 2023.  


I have added a new cover of a song to the website. It’s a classic ballad recorded by the likes of Elvis Presley, Willie Nelson and Michael Bublé, called, “Always On My Mind”.  I hope that you enjoy it. 

Let me know if you have a song that you would like me to sing for you :-).   


May this festive season be a time of love and laughter for you and your family.  It has been a busy time for me with the launch of two songs, performing at a Milal Fundraiser and an interview on NEWSM.  I have also entered two talent shows with iBUG and VIP World Services. 

I am so grateful to all my supporters.  Without you I could not do this wonderful work.  A special thank you to my donors. All your donations are appreciated.

Please stay safe, wear a mask and don’t forget to social distance!

Much love


I’m so excited that I’ve finally been able to record my song, Remember Me.  I wrote this song fifteen years ago.  It’s about my journey of coming to terms with being abandoned by my birth mother.  Someone recently called it, a self-portrait in song.    

You can listen to it on Youtube here Remember Me 

I participated in the 16th Milal Thanksgiving Fundraising Night. It is always a great honor for me to help raise funds for Milal. I have been associated with them for many years and I love their work.  You can find my contribution to the evening on YouTube  16th Milal Thanksgiving Fundraising Night

“The story of the Ellen family is not over.”

NewsM Media recently published an interview with me.  It is in Korean, but for those of you who don’t speak Korean, in some browsers the English translation is understandable.  You can find it here NEWSM Article.


I can only do this wonderful work, because of the help, generosity and support of people like you and my good friends at TIMCA. 

Please consider donating.  Small donations from as little as a $1 a month all add up.

A big thank you to all of you.

16th Annual Milal Thanksgiving Fundraising Night

November 28, 2020 | 7:30PM EST

A Virtual Event – Find the link to watch it here:

Its a privilege for me to be singing and speaking at the New Jersey Milal Thanksgiving Fundraising Night. Below are the details of the event from their website.


Our 16th Milal Thanksgiving Fundraising Night will bring together our community friends and partners to celebrate our progress throughout the year as well as to raise funds for the following year.  Due to the current climate and safety concerns of COVID-19, we will be continuing our annual thanksgiving celebration and fundraising event virtually. We need your prayers and we will be grateful if you could support us. We hope that you will experience the Lord’s grace more through sharing with your neighbor.


53rd Wedding Anniversary

I sang the song “You Are My Home” as a tribute to two of the most gorgeous people that I know, my parents, who celebrated their 53rd wedding anniversary in September.

Many thanks to the talented Jimmy Fontanez for learning, transposing, and recording a beautiful instrumental track for me in less than 24 hours and to James King for making the moving video collage.

The song is from the musical of “The Scarlet Pimpernel”. Of course, the story is different, but the lyrics are fitting. My parents opened their hearts and home to us, four children who were abandoned and had no home to call our own until they adopted us. I am infinitely grateful.

With love

Elizabeth Elle